Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Pinterest App Update Adds Notifications And Mentions

Pinterest app update
Pinterest has updated its mobile app services for Android and iOS devices. Pinterest for Android version 1.5 and Pinterest for iOS version 2.4 now include notifications, allow users to mention others and have improved search capabilities, with suggested results appearing as users type.

With the updates installed, users will receive notifications informing them when someone comments on their pin or mentions them. Pinterest has also introduced push notifications so that users can stay abreast of what’s happening while the Pinterest app is not open. If a user wishes to mention their friends on the go, they can. All a user needs to do to draw a friend’s or follower’s attention to a pin is include an ‘@’ symbol followed the person’s name in a comment.

Suggested searches will appear when users type into the search bar at the top off the app. Users will also be able to see previous searches they have made, even those on other devices. According to the announcement post on Pinterest’s blog, these searches can be deleted in the settings tab.

Pinterest has been relatively slow to adapt to the mobile trend when compared to Facebook and Twitter, both of which have fully embraced mobile. Facebook, for example, recently released Facebook Home: an Android mobile-specific user interface. Twitter’s SMS-like micro-messaging core principle, meanwhile, has always leant itself to mobile usage.

It could be argued that Pinterest will never be as user friendly on mobile devices as it is on desktop devices and laptops: certainly, due to its layout, it will never be as easily navigated on a phone as it is on a monitor. However, if users can stay abreast of notifications and quick-respond to messages on the go – as made possible by the new updates – they are far more likely to use the app frequently.

If the Pinterest app did have all the features that are available on, quick browsing through three columns of content would be the only thing users would miss. However, if they set up their notifications correctly, they could receive all the content they require direct to their app notifications tab, without needing to search for it. Of course, on Pinterest, browsing and discovering something is half the fun.

What do you think of the new Pinterest app?

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