Monday, 6 August 2012

5 Facebook Marketing Resources You’re Not Using Yet

1. Facebook Studio

If you’re looking for examples of successful social marketing, turn to Facebook Studio for inspiration. Studio curates game-changing campaigns that have appeared on the social network. In addition to a gallery of marketing efforts, the site presents Facebook Studio Awards to exceptional campaigns. You can even submit your own. Studio highlights campaigns from all over the globe, so you can see what works in other cultures, too.

2. Success Stories

Think of this tool as a helpful supplement to Studio. Success Stories highlights innovative Facebook campaigns from all over the world. The site breaks down the individual goals and results of each campaign, alongside some pretty stunning images, we might add.

Use Success Stories to get inspiration for your own marketing plans. For example, P.F. Chang’s free lettuce wraps campaign might convince you to try your own couponing or customer outreach.

3. Brand Resource & Permissions Center

Just like the media needs to follow guidelines when using certain types of content, so brands need to be aware of specific Facebook provisions. Access the Brand Resource and Permissions Center to ensure your business is abiding by the social network’s requests.

For example, the company asks, “Do not use Facebook, or any other of our trademarks, as a verb.” It also shares the types of logos and artwork your brand has permission to use.

Did you know your cover photo can’t include a phrase like “Get 50% off” or “Enter the contest below!”? These call to actions go against Facebook rules, and your Facebook Page could be suspended if you’re found to be in violation of them.

4. Facebook Demo Tool

If you’re considering Premium or Sponsored Story ad placements, use the demo tool to preview their appearance. Choose to either simulate an example brand’s ads or test your own. The tool will generate a template that displays page post content as seen from a user’s perspective, whether a sidebar ad or sponsored story, helping to remove the guesswork from your next social marketing campaign.

5. Facebook Marketing Page

Facebook’s official marketing page shares tips and resources to guide your business in becoming more marketing-savvy on the platform. The page posts events and updates users with the latest in Facebook marketing news. Keep an eye out for webinar and live Q&A announcements that train Facbeook page admins to connect with fans and reach wider audiences. Plus, Facebook constantly seeks engagement from its users, asking for feedback and case studies surrounding your business.