Friday, 13 December 2013

Facebook Brand Pages Suffer 44% Decline in Reach Since December 1

Facebook’s December newsfeed algorithm change is so far punishing brand pages, regardless of how interested fans are in that page’s content, according to a new analysis by Ignite Social Media. Ignite analysts reviewed 689 posts across 21 brand pages (all of significant size, across a variety of industries) and found that, in the week since December 1, organic reach and organic reach percentage have each declined by 44% on average, with some pages seeing declines as high as 88%. Only one page in the analysis had improved reach, which came in at 5.6%.
As reach declined, the raw number of engaged users plunged as well, falling on average by 35%. Some pages saw engaged users fall as much as 76%. Only one page in the data set had an increase in the number of engaged users, coming in at 0.7%.
For the analysis, we excluded pages that were in the midst of instituting any significant changes to their content strategy that could impact performance.

Brand Page Reach Now Often Under 3%

Facebook once said that brand posts reach approximately 16% of their fans.  That number is no longer achievable for many brands, and our analysis shows that roughly 2.5% is now more likely for standard posts on large pages. So, a year ago a brand could expect to reach 16 out of 100 fans and now that brand is lucky if they get 3 out of 100.  Chilling news for brand pages who have invested resources to “build” a large following of fans.
Facebook Brand Pages Reach

A Change in How Facebook Treats Branded Content

Regardless, this is clearly a major change in how Facebook is treating content from brands and it fundamentally changes the promise and opportunities for these brands. If you can’t reach even those who have liked your page and repeatedly engaged with your content, what good is a brand Facebook presence? Should brand activities and budgets go elsewhere, where quality content has a chance of being seen?
To add salt to an open wound, current research from Forrester and Wildfire shows that engaged users are a brand’s best customers.  They are more likely to purchase, recommend and prefer brands when they are socially engaged with that brand.  With fewer engaged users (-35%), brands bottom line are further penalized by the recent changes.
Facebook has indicated that brands should pay to promote their content, but our research shows thatorganic content leads to better buying actions. Paying to supplement content that reaches 16% of users organically, however, is much more palatable than supplementing content that reaches less than 3%.

Intentional or Unintentional?

With brands investing over $6 billion with Facebook, it seems unlikely to me that this algorithm change was designed to intentionally punish content produced by brands. It would be unwise to do that, because the appeal of Facebook to brands is the mix of organic and paid exposure.
Facebook is right to adjust the algorithm, as the user experience on the site is suffering. But those changes should be based on the strength of the content, not on blanket rules based on a suspicion that everyone suddenly wants to see more news articles in their feed.
We have provided our data to Facebook and they are looking into it. Our hope is that other brands seeing this sort of performance problem will share it with their representatives and that this mistake is quickly corrected. Facebook has been changing the newsfeed fairly rapidly in recent months, and I’m optimistic that this is an unintended consequence of these adjustments.
This does, however, come at a difficult time for brands and agencies. Many companies are finalizing strategies, goals and budgets for 2014, and having a dramatic change in Facebook performance at this point in the year complicates those processes.

A Word About Our Data

To ensure we were analyzing each post evenly, we used the API to look at reach and engagement only for the two days after the post went live, while dividing engagement by that day’s fan count to ensure accuracy. While some posts will get more reach after two days, much of the reach is captured in this methodology, as the half-life of a Facebook post has historically been only 30 minutes.
We also excluded any posts that had paid support, as well as cover photo changes and posts that were geo-targeted at the city level.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

The State of Social Business 2013

Altimeter hosts an annual Social Business survey to learn how social media is evolving within enterprise organizations. Data is then compared to previous reports providing a sense of movement to the numbers and also a developing benchmark for our analysts and clients. Our last survey was studied in Q3 2013 and also Q4 2012, the latter was used to provide context to a report published by me and Brian Solis in our report, “The Evolution of Social Business: Six Stages of Social Business Transformation.”
We are now making the data available to the public for free use under Creative Commons (cc) as part of our Open Research program. The figures included in this report are also compared to previous survey findings from 2011 and 2010. There are two publications available, which are embedded below as well — there’s a report with some analysis and we’ve also just published a PowerPoint deck so that you can easily incorporate the information in your presentations. All we ask is that you properly attribute the research back to Altimeter.
Overall, we found that investment in headcount and infrastructure have steadily grown, as companies reach “intermediate” stages of social business. Several are turning their sights from “social media” as an extension of marketing and communications, and seek to push a “social business” agenda throughout the organization. Top findings include:
  • Most organizations are “intermediate,” with only 17% self-described as “strategic” in the execution of their social strategies.
  • 78% of companies have a dedicated social media team, at the division, corporate or both levels — only 22% of companies do not have a dedicated team.
  • Companies are committing more headcount to social media across all sizes of organizations. The biggest jump is for companies with more than 100,000 employees, which now report an average of 49 full-time employees supporting social media, compared to 20 in 2010.
  • 85% of companies have an organizational social media policy, yet only 18% of companies report that their employees’ knowledge of social media usage and the organizational policy is either good or very good.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Facebook News Feed Algorithm Changes…Again

Hold on to your hats, folks. Facebook issued News Feed algorithm changes again and community managers everywhere are fighting the urge to melt their faces off.
The previous Facebook algorithm change, which rolled-out a couple of months ago, responds to activity across your News Feed, including friends and brand interactions. Community managers hustled Facebook Insights to optimize page visibility based on when fans are online and current interaction trends.
Now, this new algorithm endeavors to present more “high quality content” in News Feeds, keeping news articles and current events at the top of News Feeds. ”High quality articles you or others read may show up a bit more prominently in your News Feed, and meme photos may show up a bit less prominently,”Facebook explains in its blog.

What This Means for Brands

Unfortunately, this means the news article from CNN about healthcare reform will likely trump brand page posts. With traffic from Facebook to news sites tripling in the past year, it comes as no surprise that Facebook wants to tango heavily with media and news outlets in what seems to be an effort to out-perform Twitter as the go-to source for current events.
Facebook has not revealed how the formula will recognize "high quality content," but they promise the demotion of memes and uninformative over-shared links. This could create a nice organic middle-ground position for brand posts between news articles and memes, but I wonder how the formula will differentiate between a viral media meme and a viral brand media post.
Viral Meme vs Viral Post
I see the difference, but will the algorithm?

How to Beat the Algorithm…Again

With Facebook staying mum about how the algorithm works, making it very challenging to find ways to use it advantageously. It seems the change is one more push from Team Zuckerberg for brands to invest more in Facebook advertising in order to compete with media outlets. In good news, the algorithm change includes an updated bumping feature, meaning quality and/or promoted posts could continue to bump to the top of News Feeds with each new Comment and Share, making it more important than ever for brands to create frequent quality content. With high-engaging content, brands with promoted posts could see an increase in reach with this interaction-centered bumping based on Comments and Shares.
Hopefully Facebook will loosen its grip on the how and why of the News Feed change and we will know more about optimizing the updated algorithm for brand success.