Monday, 14 June 2010

9 Tools to measure your Twitter Influence & Reach !

Twitter is not always about having lot of followers. Having more followers is good, but the real fun is in getting to know more people, sharing ideas, interacting with them and basically having lots of fun. Twitter’s “Opt in” mechanism makes sure that people fall in to similar groups and interact more with similar minded folks, thanks to the “unfollow” button.

Now, if you’ve been wondering how effectively have you been communicating with your followers, here are nine cool tools that will help you find out your reach, communication effectiveness, popularity and analyze your twitter usage statistics – let’s call it Twitter Power !

1. Find out whom you Re-Tweet most / active hours etc

Awesome analysis tool. Finds your your twitter frequency, whom you re-tweet most, whom you reply to most, what times you tweet most and lots more.


2. Find out your Reader Outreach Power

Great tool, a bit slow, but gives you data such as your tweet frequency on a graph, tweet re-tweet count, Readers Reach etc.

----> Twitter Analizer

3. Find out which Tweet gained you followers and which made you lose them

Great tool, that dishes out data not seen in many other tools. Tells you how many followers you’ve lost in the last X hours, how many you gained during that time. And also an idea of the tweets that might have helped you gain OR lose followers.


4. Find your Social Capital, Velocity and Centralization on Twitter

This tool helps you find three major factors that control your influence and power on Twitter. Reach, Velocity, Social Capital and Twinfluence.


5. Find out who’s the popular Twitter user in your country/ region

A very popular tool this one, tells you who’s the best in the region based on number of followers,communication, retweets, influence etc. A far more effective calculation compared to other such tools. Twitter Grader


6. Find out your average Twitter usage over a period of time

Nice tool, this one will help you find out your twitter usage stats, how long, when and how often do you tweet at a particular time period. Nice graphics as well. Tweet Rush


7. Find out your Twitter Rank

A simple tool that will give you a “Twitter Rank” based on your trust quotient or something similar. The developer is not clear as to what the algorithm is, but is seems legit.


8. Find out how many people you reached via your tweets

This analysis really makes sense. It tells you how many impressions your tweets got in a particular time frame.


9. Find your influence, signal-noise ratio and velocity

An excellent tool, that calculates your influence, quality and velocity of tweets. Lets you compare the stats with other users and generate charts !


I hope this will help you messuring your influence and how good you so on Twitter.

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